This action drives fame.
What most of us want to do, if we are really honest with ourselves, is to leverage our efforts in the most productive ways possible. What will really move the needle in your personal and professional life? What can you work on right now that will not only be relevant in two years, but will help create your legacy? That’s leverage. That’s like getting royalty payments on previous works. Now, you’re getting somewhere. You’re getting known.
You see when bestselling authors start to build a following and get known, they eventually begin to create their own media empire, something similar to what Oprah has created for herself. What they’re seeking is being ubiquitous — being everywhere now. They are essentially creating their own fame. If people see you everywhere, that’s fame. Bestselling authors develop podcasts, video series, online courses, perform regular media interviews, activate their own PR, are all over social channels and YouTube, and have an holistic push program. They’re always out there promoting something, which is what any star would be doing. the fame equation isn’t hard to drum-up; it is executing on it that is difficult. You always have to be creating and promoting something.
Once everybody knows you, likes you and trusts you, everything else gets easier. Sales get easier. Offers get easier. Deals get easier. Business gets easier. People like dealing with a known, likable person who helps them. I’ve always said that the know, like & trust (KLT) factor is an important one for salespeople but it also is for people looking for leverage or an advantage. One of the things that separates successful people from less successful people is they are wider known with a great track record of their success. If you consciously develop a great industry reputation and deliver results consistently, the sky’s the limit for you. You can’t really beat that. You’ll achieve industry fame in no time if you’re doing this over and over again for people. Positive, consistent actions performed repeatedly over time build a great reputation.
Many people say they want fame for themselves. Everybody wants to be famous. Well, you can be: to a specific group of people who will matter the most to you and your career. If you get really specific on who you want to be a hero to, what group of people you want to create for, to solve problems for, to help lift up, you can absolutely be famous to them. If you help these people get whatever it is they want first, they will help you get whatever you want. Certain industries are smaller than you think. Word travels fast. Reputations are created each day through actions and people talking about those actions. Your reputation is a large part of what you’ve got at the end of the day. What are people saying about you? What are you doing to positively enhance that?
If you’re a content publisher, it is smart to be everywhere now. Make it appear like you’re a content producing machine, always making great stuff and sharing stuff for people. You never stop. You’ve always got a new piece that youre promoting. You’ve always got a new course, a new video, a new thing to help someone else solve a problem. This is largely what your content is designed to do — solve problems. You’re a value creator, looking to enhance peoples’ lives through what you create. If you truly are looking to enhance peoples’ lives through your creations, your industry reputation will develop in no time. Positive, consistent acts of creation shared over time build a great reputation.
You might be thinking, ‘What if what I create isn’t very good? What if people hate it?’ It doesn’t matter. Just keep creating. You will find your stride. No one remembers the stuff they don’t like. You will discover your voice by doing, by being out there, by listening to others. Sure, not every content piece you create will be a home run. But some will be for some people. And that is all that matters. Try to not be concerned with the # of views something gets and try to be concerned with the simple discipline of creating something meaningful for someone else. A problem solved for five people is still a tremendous value add for them. Remember that even the people who today get hundreds of thousands of views for their content started with getting five. And two of those five were family members. The best thing you can do when you start creating is to be consistent. Get on a content schedule and stick to it. Get people expecting to hear from you, to see what problems you’re solving today. Nothing sells like consistent, creative content shared regularly.
Be everywhere your customer is.