Make them pay. Because when we pay, we pay attention.
Make them pay. Because when we pay, we pay attention.
We fix this by making people pay. While it may be somewhat ironic, when we pay, we value. And what we pay for, we value far more. When we pay, we pay attention. When we pay, it hurts. We feel it.
Note that this is good. It should hurt a bit when we pay, like a slight bristle or knick to the face.
Making the monthly Lexus payment hurts.
Making student loan payments each month really hurts.
Paying the dumb cable bill each month to the world’s most hated companies on the planet is pure emotional pain. Even if it is only $75 per month. It isn’t the money that hurts here. It is the fact that your money has to go to the world’s most hated companies who own the world’s worst customer service who happen to also own our great nation’s bandwidth. When consumer choice is taken away and supply is limited, dismal cable company customer service happens.
Paying even a nominal fee of $15 / month to the gym very lightly hurts. You know you’re not taking advantage of it. You’re not doing it. You’re on the couch. You may be on the couch right now as you’re reading this.
Payment is the nucleus of true behavior change. Why? Because when we pay, we have skin in the game. We suddenly care. We inject meaning into what it is we’re willing to pay for. Our attention is keen on what we pay for, where our money goes. Where our money goes, we devote energy and attention there. Yes, there are exceptions to our attention like social media and the land of free; however, where our money goes, our attention follows.
Money is 100% EMOTIONAL.
One thing about payment that you won’t read elsewhere except here on this Exceptional Selling blog: money is 100% Emotional.
I used to believe it was like 70% or no more than 80% emotional with the difference being rational or logical. Now, with years and years of experience, I came to the realization that money is actually 100% Emotional, with a capital ‘E.’ We buy emotionally first and then justify logically after the purchase. We all do this. We are all emotional buyers first. And there is nothing you or I can do about it except accept it as truth.
You are an emotional being, completely driven by your emotions. This includes your money. This includes your habits. This includes what you buy each and every day. This includes your personal spending power.
Note that it does not take much either online or offline to get people to see the value you provide. Some people prefer to not have the money conversation with their prospects until the end of the presentation. While this is the standard practice of online sales pages, you cannot really hide the price of goods offline and in person.
Today’s consumers are savvy. People know prices. What they often do not know is the true value they’re getting when they buy what they buy. And this is where you, as the sales & marketing pro, come in. You must, absolutely must, lay it all out for them. Be explicit. Let them know what they’re getting. List it for them, and let them know the value of everything that they’re getting.
Remind them of what you bring to the table. Remind them of the problems you’ve already solved for them. Remind them of the leads you’ve brought them. Remind them of the times you’ve been there for them. Remind them of the problems you’ve solved for them. Remind them of the support you’ve provided them. We all need reminders. Remind them of what where you have already been with them together.
Further, if you’re in a coaching relationship with someone or with a cohort of people, let them know what they’re buying and what they get from you. What can they expect from you? What should they not expect from you? You must define the nature of the business relationship with them or else you’ll be dealing with lots of false, never-been-set-out-of-the-gate expectations.
Warning: Within the context of a coaching or consulting business relationship, people will assume certain things without asking for them upfront. They’ll assume that that is just a part of the package, what they thought they were buying at the time. A thoughtful, well-written document outlining explicitly what they get and what they do not get from you sets the proper tone and the expectations for your customers. And isn’t that what you really want for them? To have your customers understand the proper tone and expectations you’ve set?
What are you waiting for? There is never a good reason to wait. The only reasons that exist for you to wait exist only to hold you back.
Stop holding yourself back, get out of your own way and go for it.
Go for it, and Get Paid.
Jeffrey Bonkiewicz
I am a seasoned marketer and sales strategist. I believe in leadership by example. I’m constantly creating, learning and sharing. I like making complex things simple. I give value first.