Lacking professional fulfillment? This may be missing in your schedule.
Do not shun or downplay your successes. Instead, celebrate them. So often when we get good, we tend to undermine our successes, choosing simply to move onto the next challenge. We don’t take time to integrate the win. Well, look back on your life. You’ve had lots of wins. You’ve had lots of victories. Did you take the time out to acknowledge the and to celebrate them? Did you schedule time to socialize them? Did you invest in others (and yourself) to make them happen?
In order to cement them and their meaning, we need to celebrate our victories and accomplishing our goals. Otherwise, what meaning did they have in the first place to us? If we don’t take the time to fully integrate the win, we’re leaving positive emotion and experiences on the table. We feel incomplete. Something’s missing. That something is socializing the celebration.
We celebrate plenty in personal life: birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc. We don’t celebrate so often in business: goal accomplishment; great quarter; awesome year; new position; raise & promotion. If you’re lucky enough to work in a fabulous organizational culture, you’re probably already celebrating a lot. But if you work in a staid environment, you’re likely never celebrating. At least, not with colleagues. This is too bad because celebration and socialization are a large part of tight bonds between people. They are not only a great retention mechanism for talent; they are also a great way to build human relationships. Companies need to work these events into their social calendars to build on what they already have: great people.
If you nail goal after goal after goal and never take the time to celebrate that, you’re missing out. Goals will become rote, something robotic. The humanity will be drained out of them. Striving and effort and growth should be celebrated as they are socialized into our work lives. We are positively reinforcing positive behavior. Fundamental.
Celebrate those wins. Plan for the activities. Socialize the victory with others. Showcase to them what’s possible. Celebrate goal achievement.