Give them your sales mantra. Give them something to stand for.
Your sales mantra is your statement of values.
Do not be afraid to state them.
You need a mantra, something that tells prospects what you stand for and what you stand against. A mantra or statement of beliefs that is well-written, well thought through, and apt for your marketplace is a great way to stand out and begin to build a movement. When you tell people what you stand for and what you stand against, you polarize the audience. There will be some people for you, and there will be some people against you.
Do not be afraid of pushing people away from you.
They were never going to buy from you anyway, so let them go. However, the people that are for you now, just got WAY more for you. They are with you 100%. They want to know what you’re going to do next. They want to know where you’re going to lead them. They want to know what you ask of them. They want to know what they can do to help your cause.
These are your people.
You find them by letting people know exactly what you stand for and exactly what you stand against. This is how they know you’re serious, you stand for something, you help these people here. If others want to come along for the ride, fine, but this is who I stand for.
Good mantras are rare, especially in sales and marketing.
Mantras or value statements are powerful because they’re rare. And the bigger the corporation, the less you will see of this out of them. Budweiser will never polarize their audience. Amazon is unlikely to do this, either. They’re too big for it. But small companies, even mid-sized companies, can do this. They can go to market telling people what it is they stand for, who they stand for, and how they go about it.
They can tell a better story to the right people, to the people who will matter to them and vice versa. You and your company only need to matter to a select group of people.
Be picky. Be exclusive.
Mantras allow us to be picky because you’re not asking everyone to join you. You’re only asking these people to join you in your quest, the right people for you who align with your value statements and your story.
It is good to be picky and exclusive. It makes people feel special, like they’re a part of a club. And the more you can make people feel special, esteemed, like they belong to something larger than themselves, the more esteemed and exclusive they feel. And then the more they want to be around you and what it is you offer them.
Focus on how you make people feel.
It is important to note that how you make people feel is a big value add. Do not underestimate this power. People buy because of how it makes them feel. It feels good to buy.
You must give them some love pre-, during, and post-purchase or else they’ll feel abandon, like it turns out you didn’t care. And here, all this time, they thought you did care. It certainly felt that way in your marketing leading up to the sale.
Do not forget about the post-purchase follow-up. Plan for it. Cement it. And think about what else you can sell them. What else do your specific people need? What else do people like us do?
Have you ever bought something online, like a course or a training, got the receipt and login to the course, and then never heard from the trainer or company again? Or, maybe six months later after the purchase? What did you think? What happened to you? Where have you been? I bought and you disappeared. Don’t do that to me. Be there for me. I had questions. I needed follow-up. I wanted to buy more.
You cannot overcommunicate with your customers.
You really cannot over communicate with your prospects and customers. In fact, it is better to side with over communicating with your customers than under communicate with them. There are some merchants that email their lists daily, some multiple times per day. It just depends. I believe it all depends upon how you want them to feel about you and what important things you have to say.
How much value are you adding to their lives? How many of their problems are you willing to solve? What else are you learning about them? What else do audiences like yours need? Figure it out. And then tell them what you’ve got.